What is Permaculture anyway?
Although Permaculture was first developed and has been around since the mid-1970’s and has been learned and used by hundreds of thousands of people it is still quite new to many. In this interactive presentation we go over the origins of Permaculture, the who, what, when, where and how of the development and evolution of this design system for sustainability.
The word Permaculture itself was originally a contraction of the two words ‘permanent-agriculture’ as it was initially developed to address the imminent non-sustainability of industrial food systems. Later, as the system of Permaculture was seen to brilliantly apply to all areas of life as well, the word contraction was changed to ‘permanent-culture’ indicating a truly authentic and systematic means of creating sustainable habitats and environments.
Permaculture is a design system, first and foremost, utilizing a set core of ethics and natural principles to create habitats which fulfill human material and non-material needs while simultaneously enhancing the natural ecosystem around us.
In this introductory presentation we introduce you to the ethics and principles of Permaculture and how the various applied technologies clearly emerge from this framework and how these aspects are utilized to design pleasant, resilient, truly sustainable habitats as well as other applications.
Please feel free to contact us to schedule a presentation for your group of any size.
Pikes Peak Permaculture is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation, EIN # 45-4139060